Just made it in before 2011! On this episode we take a look at some listener mail, check out how Worlds ended this year (complete with a quick look at some of the decks in the Top 8), take a look at the nonsense surrounding the next two Magic expansions, and talk about the recent rules changes to EDH (or Commander if you prefer).
Then we have the Black installment of the Core Set: Mana Pool Edition. This time we have 6 staples from my favorite color! I've typed about this several times before, so if you have no idea what I'm talking about, check the last few episodes. I hope you guys enjoy it, and we'll see you again next year!
Intro Music - Diamond by Swift - http://www.swift-band.com
Break Music - Brinstar from Metroid by Hirokazu Tanaka - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hirokazu_Tanaka
Forum thread for this episode: http://cardshark.freeforums.org/episode-158-the-last-show-of-2010-t617.html
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