Have you noticed that all the planes in Magic are either terrifying or dangerous or miserable? We determined this during a discussion of which plane we'd want to live on that came from an email. It's like the Creative team at Wizards just wants to completely dry up the tourist trade on other planes! I wonder if the head of Zendikar could sue Wizards for libel. I'll have to get with Brian on that...
Anyway, good old Jungle Rat Rob sent me a link to a Magic set based on Zelda II: The Adventure of Link over on Games Radar. If you wanna see it, just click here:
And of course we had some Prerelease experiences to discuss! By we I mean Brian and me, but that's still first person plural! He went Mirran and I went Phyrexian - who do you think came out ahead? Well I guess you'll just have to listen.
And finally, we finish off on a special Mirrodin Besieged edition of Story Circle. I counted up the number of Rares and Mythics in MBS and put that number into random.org and it told me to use Shimmer Myr. We didn't so much build a deck as much as throw out a lot of different ways you could build a deck around the Shimmer Myr. You'll see what I mean when you give the episode a listen.
Intro Music - Diamond by Swift - http://www.swift-band.com
Break Music - Cranial Syphon (Kraid from Metroid) by Armcannon - http://www.armcannon.com
Forum thread for this episode: http://cardshark.freeforums.org/episode-164-mbs-prerelease-and-story-circle-t642.html
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