Just so everyone is aware, we started off this episode short one Brian. We spend the first half of the show going over our neglected listener emails, which we've been skipping over for the last several episodes. Guess who answered the most rules questions that were emailed to us? Bet you guessed wrong!
Luckily after all this we were able to find a Bryan to fill the void in our show, so that's excellent. We talked about New Phyrexia and gave our general opinions about it, then stepped into a Story Circle with Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite. You may or may not want to ignore one color that we added in.
After that, Dirk went to bed. That means we had no one there to keep throwing out profound statements, so we lost our heads. It just sort of degenerated into random conversations about whatever came to mind. It happens. Hope you guys enjoy!
Intro Music - Diamond by Swift - http://www.swift-band.com
Break Music - The Will of One by The Protomen - http://www.protomen.com
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Forum thread for this episode: http://cardshark.freeforums.org/episode-173-phyrexian-ramblings-and-mail-call-t662.html
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