We are joined this week by a very special guest, Adam Styborski. He writes the Serious Fun column for the mothership, he writes for GatheringMagic, he's the Casual Editor over at Quiet Speculation, and he writes a Pauper Cube blog. Here are the links!
- http://www.wizards.com/Magic/Magazine/Archive.aspx?author=Adam%20Styborski
- http://thepaupercube.wordpress.com/
- http://www.gatheringmagic.com/author/adamstyborski/
- http://www.quietspeculation.com
- Twitter: @the_stybs
We talked to Adam for a while about his writing, his playing, and whatever else Brian thought up. Then we all discussed the New Phyrexia Prerelease, which most of us ended up attending. One of us was gunslinging, can you guess which one? After that, we did one of our nonsensical but fun Magic Mad Libs! And yes, Stybs helped out!
Then we started talking about Equipment. Which ones we love, which ones are awesome, which ones are awesome for multiplayer. Whatever we could think of. Adam had some especially interesting things to say on this topic, so pay attention. You, in the back! Head up off the desk!
Intro Music - Diamond by Swift - http://www.swift-band.com
Break Music - The Poetry of Reality by The Symphony of Science - http://www.symphonyofscience.com
Be sure to check out all the great stuff on the website! - http://themanapool.com
Forum thread for this episode: http://cardshark.freeforums.org/episode-178-serious-fun-with-adam-styborski-t671.html
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