We really went all out for our 4 year show. We've got discussions on beating children, Graveborn, panties, laughing thoctars, Horde updates, and the realization that Mike is actually the ruler of all things. But I'm sure some of you already knew that, you're very clever. That's why you listen to us!
Actually, we didn't exactly realize that this was our 4 year anniversary show until just before we started. But luckily, we had chosen a topic that was very much suited for it! This episode is a whole mess of Out of the Deck Box! Each of us took one of our favorite decks (or one that listeners have asked about) and go over it. We're talking casual multiplayer here, so expect a lot of nonsense and fun!
Brian shared his Shared Fate deck at a listener's request. We are awesome. Chewie showed off his Primalcrux deck, even though he still needs 2 more Primalcrux. No seriously, we're pretty great. Dirk hauled out the aptly named X-Deck because he really doesn't like us at all. Actually Mike is the awesome one. And Mike discussed his themeless Black/Red deck, probably because it's one of the few decks he has that still just doesn't have a central idea running through it. Kneel before Mike!
Stupid thoctars...
Uncle Zod by memorypalace
Intro and Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – http://www.swift-band.com
Break Music – The Picard Song by DarkMateria
Be sure to check out all the great stuff on the website! – http://themanapool.com
Forum thread for this episode: http://cardshark.freeforums.org/episode-206-kneel-before-mike-four-years-t736.html
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