Hey look, Bill's back! And since he's here, we begin this episode by talking all about the SCG Invitational we went to last week. We've got all kindsa stories and people and things. There are links to the two playmats we talked about a little further down. And you know you wanna see ;)
Then we have a Magic Mad Lib from Myke Okuhara, which is seriously drop-dead hilarious. No really. I might die. Then we did a real Mad Lib that Brian wrote, because it was there to do. Just don't get used to this two-Mad-Libs-per-episode thing going on here, okay?
And we finish up with a sizable discussion about the pros and cons of each color, as seen from a gameplay perspective. We started off with flavor, then realized that's not what the person was asking. I wish I could remember who asked and where, but them's the breaks, you know? Hope you enjoy!
Planeswalkers for Equality: http://www.steveargyle.com/?cmd=gallery_ext&art_id=411
Chandra closeup that Mike bought: http://www.steveargyle.com/?cmd=gallery_ext&art_id=368
Intro and Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – http://www.swift-band.com
Break Music – Why is the Rum Gone?
Be sure to check out all the great stuff on the website! – http://themanapool.com
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-- posted at: 10:31pm EST