We begin the episode with a listener question (from Bacon!) about our favorite and least favorite cards. And because of how our answers played into each other, I thought that might be a good one to answer on the air. Yay Bacon!
That leads (almost) naturally into the rest of the show! We go from favorite cards to favorite planeswalkers, which leads us to nice roundtable discussion about the 'walkers in general. Favorites, most powerful in multiplayer and not, how do you play them, when do you put them in a deck, how do you play against them, etc etc. All kinds of stuff came up, so hopefully you'll find it either interesting or informative. If nothing else, you can laugh at how Brian's long confusing question caused Mike to completely lose track of the conversation. That was pretty awesome.
Also, I'd like to apologize ahead of time for the nonsense you'll find in the break music and the full nonsense at the end of the episode. Once the notion took hold in my brain, I just couldn't resist. For the full list of songs used, check the forum post that goes with this episode, the link is right down there.
Cast a Spell on MS charity Magic tournament - http://www.castaspellonms.org
Intro Music – Diamond by Swift – http://www.swift-band.com
Break & Outro Music - Planeswalker, Memphis Ranger Medley by Chewie (I got bored)
Be sure to check out all the great stuff on the website! – http://themanapool.com
Forum thread for this episode: http://cardshark.freeforums.org/episode-221-planes-walk-this-way-t782.html
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