Sun, 24 June 2012
Not one, but TWO guest hosts join us for this episode! Everyone's old favorite Eric (of the Many Names) resurfaces to shoot the breeze and drink Southern Comfort while recording with us. The other host is Joseph A, better known as Khaos Kontrol (to Chewie anyway, who kept just calling him Khaos) on our forums. You know, the guy that wrote the awesome poem that we featured a while back on Episode 226. He also did a CMDR Decks video that you might recognize if you hang around on The Mana Pool at all. But because of those things (and he's got a podcast coming up sometime soon), we had him on to help spread the joy around. We kick off the episode by opening up a package from Tim (@planar_snap ), one of our favorite listeners from the UK. That's vague, lemme rephrase. He's from the UK, and he's one of our favorite listeners. Much better. But he sent us a package with stuff in it, which was opened on the air. And HOLY CRAP what stuff we got! If you want to find out what, you'll have to listen. Tim, we really appreciate all of it. You really didn't have to do that. Damn. Then of course there's all that other stuff that happened. The Commander/EDH bannings, the Standard (non) bannings, and the Legacy unbanning all happened. Then we had to talk about the Magic 2013 promo cards that they revealed, and Mike noticed something we've been missing for the last several months. How about that? From there we cover the rest of the M13 previews of course.
From there we have to talk about Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013, which had JUST come out the day we recorded this. Then Khaos (I mean Joseph) has another poem that he wrote for us for having him on the show. Hell yeah epic background music! There's also some random discussion of things that I only barely remember as well as some very important, very somber, and very true advice. So listen up! Also, here's the link to the trailer for Wreck-It Ralph. Holy crap this looks like fun.
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post: |