Hey look, another live episode already! Yeah, it turns out that the week after the week we took off due to Thanksgiving, Brian decided to go to Disney World and forget to remind us. We determined that he was missing...about an hour or so before starting. Since having Brian around was pretty essential for the topic we had in mind, we panicked. Thus, I bring you the live episode we recorded just last month!
We start off with a nice and sorta quick Commander game. Then we have a particularly brutal (and therefore short) Archenemy game played with 60-card casual decks.
Of course, we can't have two short games without having one stupidly long one. Taking up fully half of the unedited time, we played a game of Planechase. If I remember correctly...nope, I don't. I've blocked it. But don't worry, this game isn't actually all that bad. This definitely wasn't the worst game we played that day. Hope you enjoy!
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – http://www.myspace.com/swiftband
Break Music 1 - Flash Man from Mega Man 2 on the Nintendo Entertainment System
Break Music 2 - Dust Man from Mega Man 4 on the NES
This episode’s post: http://themanapool.com/podcast/episode-257
Forum thread for this episode: http://cardshark.freeforums.org/episode-257-go-vacuum-live-t871.html
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