Fri, 22 February 2013
On this episode, of course we're gonna talk about From the Vault: Twenty. I mean, duh. Then we go on into more esoteric topics. A listener known as Andrew Hunt (Magnor Criol on the forums) supplied us with six 60-card casual decks to talk about. And we do. At great length. These are really pretty cool. We go over each one, poking at the pros and cons, bouncing potential modifications off of each other, stuff like that. The links to the TappedOut pages are below. Then we have a slight interruption. Jeremey Schofield (@J_Schofield) pops in to try to get money out of you! Not for himself, but for Chewie! Jeremey has spearheaded an operation to get Chewie a plane ticket to Grand Prix Las Vegas in June. If you remember, GP Vegas is going to be Modern Masters Limited, which is most likely going to be completely amazing. The GP itself is shaping up to be one of the biggest ever. So if you'd like to chip in and help, all you have to do is click here: *Chewie note: By the time this was ready to be posted, we had already reached the goal of $500! But if you still want to send in more, go right ahead. Any excess funds will be split between beefing up the prize pool for the raffle-type thing he's doing and the rest will be donated to the MTGCast Network to keep it up and running. Pretty cool huh? Here are the decks in the order that we talked about them, feel free to follow along: Shaper's Madness - From the Vault: Twenty - Be sure to check out the Cardshark 12 Year Anniversary Promotion! Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post:
Direct download: Episode_268_-_The_Magnor_Criol_of_Deckbuilding.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:53am EST |