Hey look, Dirk's back! He successfully populated, so now he has two little token dudes at home!
We start this episode off with what Brian assures us is quite possibly the most offensive Magic Mad Lib ever. Sounds awesome! We go from there to a brief discussion of a recent Standard tournament where a Turbo Fog deck got played! Also, I point out how Sexy Jake Humphries made the top 8 of a Star City Open. Aw yeah.
From there on, it's the handful of Dragon's Maze previews that had been revealed at this point. So I guess you could say we go pretty in-depth on them. I guess.
Also, there's a small life lesson at the end that everyone should take to heart. Just sayin'.
Dragon's Maze Card Image Gallery - http://www.wizards.com/magic/tcg/article.aspx?x=mtg/tcg/dragonsmaze/cig
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – http://www.myspace.com/swiftband
Break Music - Requiem for a Tower by Clint Mansell - http://www.clintmansell.com/
This episode’s post: http://themanapool.com/podcast/episode-275
Forum thread for this episode: http://cardshark.freeforums.org/episode-275-a-small-handful-of-dragon-s-maze-t914.html
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