On this episode, we finally overcome one of our greatest weaknesses as podcasters - the inability to have Myke Okuhara on the show! The scourge of TheManaPool.com's comments joins us from Honolulu, where the dolphins are ferrying his internet back and forth to us with great speed. And to celebrate (not really, but it sounded good) we've got a brand new Magic Mad Lib courtesy of Brian! This one is entitled...Science.
Then, of course, there's all the Magic 2014 previews. And there were a lot. Like damn. If you'd like to follow along, I just happen to have this fancy link. Of course now the entire set is revealed, but still. Click the link. Click it!
By the way, Myke Okuhara is pretty awesome. I'm just sayin'.
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – http://www.myspace.com/swiftband
Break Music – nope, not this week
This episode’s post: http://themanapool.com/podcast/episode-284
Forum thread for this episode: http://cardshark.freeforums.org/episode-284-a-pineapple-based-system-t932.html
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