Sun, 20 October 2013
As if you couldn't tell from the title, we're joined this episode by former Muse, former Gathering Magic writer, former Star City Games writer, current DailyMTG writer and longtime Mana Pool listener Bruce Richard! Be sure you pronounce that all French-like, it turns out he's Canadian. But don't hold that against him, he's still completely awesome! You can follow him on Twitter @manaburned We begin the episode by getting Bruce to give us some background. Who he is, where he came from, that sort of thing. From there we dive right into Commander previews, because heaven forbid we have any freakin' time at all between preview seasons. But at least these cards are pretty cool, if not a little wordy at times. After an appropriate enough musical break, we've got a really fun Magic Mad Lib, followed by a brand new Story Circle! We've gotta do a Commander-style Story Circle with one of these new legendary dudes, and if you were listening closely to the previews I'm pretty sure you'll be able to figure out which one. If you want to see the full list we came up with, just click here: Bruce's many, many archives: Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift –
Direct download: Episode_298_-_Serious_Fun_with_Bruce_Richard.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:47pm EST |