Sun, 2 March 2014
Hey look, we actually did the follow-up to last week's episode! Because this was a topic suggested by our friend JT (@NerdPop140), we brought him on this week to help us tell you all about it. But first, we have news! Anyone under 18 planning to attend Grand Prix Vienna needs to have written parental permission, so click the link below for all that information. WotC also released the full decklists for the upcoming Jace vs. Vraska Duel Decks, so we're gonna tell you all about that. They're mostly singleton decks, and we think that's pretty good. But on to the main topic at hand! Last week we told you all about the mental preparation for you to make the move from the kitchen table to the FNM or some other tournament scene. This time we're focusing on the deck itself. How do you come up with an idea for your first tournament deck? How do you go about acquiring the cards for said deck? And how do you tweak the deck to make sure it'll do the best it can? We'll discuss all of that and more on this episode! As always, if you guys have any other ideas for any of this, let us know! We hope this episode helps you out as much as possible! And for those of you that are already in the tourney scene, we hope you enjoy our hijinks!
GP Vienna important information -
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post:
Direct download: Episode_314_-_Kitchen_2_Tourney_The_Sequel.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:03pm EST |