Fri, 6 February 2015
Welcome to our second Kickstarter backer episode! This week we have on Greg, the MadStork, who has been listening to us for far, far too long. And we love him for it! He brings with him an episode idea that really appeals to us. Greg has us combining two things we love - Duel Decks and Commander! The discussion begins with a brief recap of what Duel Decks in Magic actually are. We then roam around our brains trying to track down other conflicts that would be great as Duel Decks, no matter how ridiculous. Cats are apparently jerks, because we came up with a lot of different conflicts involving cats. It's pretty ridiculous. So ridiculous in fact that we picked one of these cat conflicts to do a pair of Story Circles! One is a Cat Commander Duel Deck, because cats are jerks, and the opponent know what? I'm gonna keep that a secret. Just listen and find out! Commander Duel Decks from this episode:
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post:
Direct download: Episode_358_-_Gregs_Fifteen_Minutes_of_Fame_Ask_Your_Parents.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00am EST |