Fri, 6 March 2015
Since neverending preview season is upon us yet again, we're taking a look at the first batch of new cards from Dragons of Tarkir. Previews just started the day before we recorded, so there aren't terribly many yet. Don't worry though, we'll make up for that on the next couple episodes. Because we were so short on previews, we had to fill the time with something. Last week they announced Tempest Remastered for Magic Online, so what better way to finish the episode than to run a Mythic Conscription on Tempest? We couldn't think of anything better either, so that's what we did! Man, old Magic sets are SO incredibly bizarre by today's standards.
Dragons of Tarkir Card Image Gallery -
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post: Brought to you by Mana Pool Productions