Sun, 15 March 2015
Of course we're gonna talk about all the news that came out of the Magic panel at PAX East! As usual, they dropped quite a few bombs on us, so we're gonna tell you all about it! If you'd like to see more about it, check out the latest TMP News so Chewie can tell you all about it with visual accompaniment! Since the last episode, almost HALF of Dragons of Tarkir has been revealed! Since there were WAY too many cards to actually cover them all, we just hit the big awesome important things. Mythics, awesome cycles, and a few others that jumped out at us. Chewie finally got the Patreon finished! If you want to help support the show a little bit at a time, that's the best way to go about it! You can find it here:
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Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post: Brought to you by Mana Pool Productions |