Wed, 1 April 2015
The guys are back for their monthly Hearthstone episode! We begin the episode by answering the frequent question about how the five of us became a long-running Blizzard gaming podcast. If you've ever wondered about our humble origins, this is the episode to listen to! Learn all about how Chewie, Brian, Mike, Dirk, and Squanto (Ecksell) got together! After that it's back to business as usual for a Hearthstone episode! We begin by going over new decks and recent changes to existing decks. Lots of discussions come out of this, including whether Dr. Boom should be nerfed and how they might do it and what decks we're sick of running into all the time. After that, Dirk takes the reins for his Lore segment. This week, thanks to the imminent release of Blackrock Mountain, he tells us all about Ragnaros the Firelord. And what a Tolkien fever dream of a story that is, holy crap. And finally, we each pick a pair of cards from Blackrock Mountain to talk about in depth. Don't forget, you can start playing the first wing on April 2nd!
Mike's MechWarrior - Support us on Patreon! -
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post: Brought to you by Mana Pool Productions
Direct download: Episode_366_-_Blackrock_Mountain_Blues.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:33am EST |