Sun, 19 April 2015
On this episode the dorks have two main topics. First up, Mike and Brian went to SCG Modern States this weekend! Brian took Jeskai Ascendancy (or Ascension, apparently) and Mike took his Loam Assault (with a dash of Smallpox) to do battle. How'd they do? Well that's why you listen to the episode, of course. I mean, duh.
After that it's time for the next entry in our semi-annual-ish series where we take a look at properties in other media to turn into Magic! We've done video games, television shows, and movies (that we can remember) so now it's time for books! The dorks take a look at some modern fantasy books, classic sci-fi, a bunch of favorites, and some seriously obscure stuff. Join us for a discussion of books we've known and loved with some Magic thrown in for good measure!
Support us on Patreon! - Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post: Brought to you by Mana Pool Productions
Direct download: Episode_368_-_Take_a_Look_Reading_WUBRG.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00am EST |