Tue, 6 October 2009
Well...better late than never. This is the fabled lost episode 102 of The Mana Pool. Okay, so it's not so much fabled, and it was never really lost. But I do apologize for this episode being so incredibly late. I suddenly found myself working 6 or 7 days' worth of work in a 5 day period, and by the time I got home, I didn't want to do anything at all. But enough of lateness excuses!
I'd also like to apologize for the content of this episode. You see, it's just me, Mike, and my roommate Scott going over some previews. I'm not...entirely sure what happened, but something about this episode just felt off. We did the rest of the previews, and Scott had a few interesting n00b questions for us, but that's about it. I do remember the music, though.
Music for this episode: Whack It by Swift Check them out at http://www.swift-band.com
Forum thread for this episode: http://cardshark.freeforums.org/episode-101-late-zendikar-preview-3-t412.html Check out our archive at http://themanapool.libsyn.com Email us at themanapool@cardshark.com Follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/themanapool Visit Cardshark! http://www.cardshark.com Cardshark Member Promotions: http://www.cardshark.com/member_promotions.asp Subscribe to our RSS feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/themanapool
Direct download: Episode_101_-_Late_Zendikar_Preview_3.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:19pm EST |