Wed, 16 January 2008
Wow. We've done this for 10 episodes now. That's pretty crazy. Seems like only a couple months ago we got this whole thing started...
Oh wait, I guess that's when it was. Never mind then. Mike, Brian, Squanto and I (da Chewie, of course) discuss the 13 new Morningtide preview cards to come out since our last look. This was supposed to be a quickie episode, but with 13 cards to talk about, we're lucky to fit it to within an hour (PROTIP: We just missed it).
Also in this episode is the second mention of Brian's Prerelease article thing. We want you, the listeners, to hit us with your Prerelease experiences. Give us decklists, records, stories, whatever you can come up with. You can post them here on the forums in the Prerelease thread (not made yet) or you can email them to us. However you want to do it is fine with us. Brian will sift through the stuff, pick out some favorites, and incorporate that into his big Prerelease article that he'll write for Cardshark.
Direct download: Episode_10_-_Morningtide_Not-Quickie_2.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:02am EST |