Thu, 18 February 2010
Hey, this is Mike here. Hello again, and welcome to the... uh... um... *mumble* I really should have written these show notes back when Chewie first asked me to. Thankfully, he's around to remind me about all the interesting things we talked about on this most recent episode of The Mana Pool! The first topic this time is the experience of the Worldwake Prerelease and Launch. You'll get to hear about some of the "deadly perils" we faced along our journeys to the "priceless treasures" that awaited (or the "0-2 drop and go home"s that awaited, as appropriate). Of course now I can't remember anything else about the discussion, so we'll all get a pleasant surprise when we listen! Then I talked about the recent Rules Update Bulletin? Maybe? I'll be finding out right along with you. Finally, we introduce a very interesting feature that I personally hope we come back to some day. Brian calls it the Story Circle, and it offers some very entertaining insights into our various creative processes we use for deckbuilding. Honestly, I'm looking forward to listening to this episode just as much as you are.
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Direct download: Episode_117_-_News_Rules_and_a_Story_Circle.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:36pm EST |