Fri, 8 February 2008
First we have to resurrect Squanto, since Vegas worked him to death. From there, the episode takes off and never really stops. Squanto, Mike, Brian, and I discuss the differences between the three major types of Magic decks: Aggro, Control, and Combo. At great length. No really, we're really pretty thorough. Pros, cons, examples, rantings, ravings, questions, arguments. Pretty much everything except the kitchen sink and a shotgun blast.
Then we introduce a new segment to the show, Out of the Deck Box (possibly to be renamed later), where one of us dorks just picks a deck from his casual collection and talks about it. Since this was my idea, I started it up with my oldest surviving deck idea and one of my all-time favorites to play. I simply call it the Graveyard Deck. Here's the list: Creatures 4 Nether Shadow 4 Ashen Ghoul 4 Nether Traitor 4 Abyssal Gatekeeper 2 Phyrexian Plaguelord 1 each of the following: Ascendant Evincar; Mortivore; Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder; Havoc Demon; Patron of the Nezumi; Braids, Cabal Minion; Magus of the Abyss; Woebringer Demon; Dross Harvester; Liege of the Pit; Devouring Strossus; Hell's Caretaker; Sek'Kuar, Deathkeeper Spells 4 Buried Alive 2 Dread Return 1 each of the following: Recurring Nightmare; Attrition; Death Pit Offering; Hecatomb; Land 2 Cabal Coffers 1 Phyrexian Tower 19 Swamp
Forum thread for this episode: Email us at Send me an article at Cardshark located at RSS feed: February is Classical Music Month here on The Mana Pool! Opening music: Hallelujah chorus from Messiah by Handel Closing music: Mars, Bringer of War from The Planets by Gustav Holst
Direct download: Episode_13_-_Deck_Types_and_a_New_Segment.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:36am EST |