Ah, summer. The sun shines brightly, the birds sing sweetly in the trees, and a young dork’s fancy turns to thoughts of the last few Eventide preview cards we’ll be talking about before the big event this weekend. Mike here again, as Chewie insists that the posting of the show goes much faster whenever he doesn’t have to write the show notes himself (it does).
First, we finally conclude tribal “month” with the results from the last of the Onslaught vs. Lorwyn tribal wars matches: Elves. It’s the battle that seemed to interest everyone the most, and the narrative does not disappoint. From there, it’s on to the small handful of intriguing preview cards, as well as a short feature on the recently revealed new creature tokens for Eventide that will be showing up here and there in your booster packs (some creatures have hair!).
We close with an open discussion of special tips and other things to keep in mind when building your sealed deck at the Eventide prerelease event. The fact that Shadowmoor will still be in the mix means that everyone will have an immense number of viable color combinations to choose from, and we’ll all need to have some method of keeping everything sane and orderly.
Now that previews have come to an end, feel even freer to send in your praises, criticisms, questions, and suggestions for the show and its various segments. As a podcast for the more casual side of Magic, we want to know what the people have their minds on and are most interested in talking about. Thanks for helping us make it all the way to Episode 37! Just try not to listen to any more episodes on your way to the parking lot (you need to watch for cars).
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