Tue, 18 December 2007
In this episode Mike, Brian, and Thomas join me (the Chewie!) for some scrumptious dorkiness! This time we go over some of the Standard decks that did well and made it big at Worlds this year. The big standout is the return of Dragonstorm, this time in mono-red with Spinerock Knoll as the super-secret tech. But we cover several other big decks too. In the middle of that there's a very short rant about playing tournament-level decks in the Casual Magic room on Magic Online, just to warn you.
Then Mike poses a question about playing in multiplayer. What if you have a guy who just plays one deck all the time? Not one semi-decent deck because it's all he has, but one seriously overpowered infinite combo mill-you-all-for-your-entire-library deck? We discuss a few options for what to do about this guy, and not all of them are nice. Then it sort of turns into a semi-intervention. Then we finish with my favorite Swift song of all time. Big shoutout to Piroflameboy on the forums! You're officially our first fan! Thanks muchly, yo! Email us at themanapool@cardshark.com Send me an article at submissions@cardshark.com Forums located at http://cardshark.freeforums.org Cardshark located at http://www.cardshark.com RSS Feed located at http://feeds.feedburner.com/themanapool Opening music: Swell Guy by Swift Closing music: The Guatemalan by Swift Check Swift out at http://www.swift-band.com
Direct download: Episode_5_-_Worlds_Standards_and_a_Multiplayer_Etiquette_Question.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:04pm EST |