Thu, 18 December 2008
Greetings one and greetings all. This is Brian, taking a break from rambling on the air (internet?) waves to do some typing for you. Here you'll find Episode 60 of the Mana Pool, now with 75% less Dirk (don't worry, he'll be back, he's just experiencing recent matrimony, that's all).
In this episode, there's some news that we need to go over. And when I say some news, I mean so much news that you might think that this was a news show or something. Seriously. We go over Cardshark member promotions for December, talk about Wizards' prerelease survey and related changes, the banned and restricted list, changes coming to a Magic Online near you, a brand new Duel Deck set coming out next year, and throw in a quick plug for the ongoing contest being run right here at the Mana Pool. See the links below for all that stuff. Oh yeah, and Worlds 2008 happened too. We'll tell you who won all the good stuff. After three hours of news, we do have some content for you- binder pulls! What's that mean? Listen in and find out, and you'll soon find yourself flipping/digging/pawing/scratching/eating your way through your collection for hidden gems (Volrath's Dungeon) and lackluster duds (Molten Sentry). This was a fun one to put together, and we hope that you enjoy. Cardshark Member Promotions Prerelease News Banned & Restricted List Announcement MTGO Changes Duel Decks: Divine vs. Demonic Announcement Music for this episode: Devour by Shinedown. Totally awesome. Check them out at And don't forget to send your contest entries to us at For full contest rules and whatnot, see the link below. Forum thread for this episode: Contest information: the-mana-pool-contest-announcement-t261.html
Direct download: Episode_60_-_News_and_a_Binder_Pull_Two_Bits.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:02pm EST |