Sun, 3 May 2009
First off, I just wanted to say sorry for the lateness of this episode. I'm sure you'll hear about why in the next one.
In this Mike-free show, we're here to talk the Alara Reborn Prerelease. We decided that it made more sense to record on a night that Brian could join us, since he was at the Prerelease, so we had to do it on a night Mike was unavailable. Sorry to all the Mike fans out there, he should be back next episode.
So join us for a complete look at how we did. All three of us competed in the Sealed portion. Guess what colors Dirk played! For that matter, guess what all of us played. It actually matches what you would think. Then Dirk and Brian did a draft. Guess what colors Dirk played! I bet you guess wrong! Hit the forums if you haven't already and let us know how you did. And if you want to cheat, you can check out the forum thread for this episode to see all 5 decklists. The link is right down there if you're not already on the forums.
Music for this episode: I Don't Vote Republican by Social Outcast u.b. Check them out at
Forum thread for this episode:
Direct download: Episode_79_-_Alara_Reborn_Prerelease_Spectacular.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:13pm EST |