Tue, 15 September 2009
Hey, Mike here. Well, here it is, the episode we all knew had to be coming. Thank goodness that we were all looking forward to it, too! It's the first big episode of Zendikar previews here on the Mana Pool, and we decided to go for a bit of a different structure this time. Rather than just go up the list, Brian had the foresight to group the cards into convenient broader discussion topics, based on mechanics, themes, and/or content. Give us your feedback on how you think it worked out.
But yes, listen in for an episode full of Vampires, Fire, and Arguing on the Internet. And also another Brian with Phasing. We'll try to work on that...
Forum thread for this episode: http://cardshark.freeforums.org/episode-98-zendikar-preview-1-t397.html Check out our archive at http://themanapool.libsyn.com Email us at themanapool@cardshark.com Follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/themanapool Visit Cardshark! http://www.cardshark.com Cardshark Member Promotions: http://www.cardshark.com/member_promotions.asp Subscribe to our RSS feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/themanapool |