Chewie note: Eric wanted his GP Nashville episodes to go up as soon as possible, and Chris Otwell is unavailable to upload casts to the MTGCast Network until Sunday. So I offered to help a brother out and get his casts out there ASAP for everyone’s listening enjoyment. Keep an eye out, they’ll be going up as soon as I get them from him!
For my second show from GP Nashville, I sat down for a brief chat with Luis Scott-Vargas himself (@LSV on Twitter). He gave some of his opinions about the new Grand Prix structure, the amount of teamwork that Team ChannelFireball puts into GP preparation, and the current Sealed Deck format. (Chewie note: He even tried to get LSV to talk smack about double-faced cards!)
After that, there's some commentary about my sealed pool and performance in Grinder 4. My friend Tony and I go over my pool again later to see what, if anything, could have been done differently. If you have any specific things you would like to hear on the show while I'm here in Nashville, please reach out to me on Twitter! You can find me as @EricMTGCast there.
And I'd like to give a special thanks to Chewie for hosting these shows on his site and getting them up (almost) live for me. And another special thanks goes out to Mana Deprived for hosting my text write-up, which will be going up after the weekend is over!