Thu, 29 May 2008
*Ahem* Here is the list of cards in Brian's cube, separated by color. Feel free to peruse and offer feedback and comments in the forums. The Cube episode was Episode 29 - To the Third Power (Cubed), and the link to the forum thread can be found here: And for those of you who'd rather have a table than a list, here's where the Word file with the Cube is currently being held: White Exalted Angel Mageta the Lion Glory Savannah Lions Blinking Spirit Divine Presence Second Sunrise Delaying Shield Pulse of the Fields Intervention Pact Pristine Angel Oracle’s Attendants Solar Tide Weathered Bodyguards Tivadar of Thorn Glarecaster Akroma’s Vengeance Knight of the Holy Nimbus Charmed Griffin Heavy Ballista Crowd Favorites Gallantry To Arms! Return to Dust Griffin Guide White Knight Eiganjo Free-Riders Samurai of the Pale Curtain Nagao, Bound by Honor Descendant of Kiyomaro Phantom Flock Mistral Charger Belfry Spirit Oathsworn Giant Mycologist Calciderm Mistmeadow Skulk Daru Warchief Slith Ascendant Whipcorder Voice of All Silver Knight Ghostly Prison Unquestioned Authority Bathe in Light Wing Shards Swords to Plowshares Purge Faith’s Fetters Test of Faith Oblivion Ring Genju of the Fields
Blue Great Whale Chronozoa Fleeting Image Shapesharer Volrath’s Shapeshifter Intruder Alarm Charisma Juxtapose Followed Footsteps Ertai’s Meddling Aeon Chronicler Quicksilver Elemental Quicksilver Dragon Spawnbroker Vesuvan Shapeshifter Ambassador Laquatus Mischievous Quanar Psychic Membrane Puppeteer Tinker Pemmin’s Aura Telling Time Riftwing Cloudskate Standstill Metamorphose Circular Logic Chamber of Manipulation Covert Operative Fledgling Mawcor Foil Eyes of the Watcher Hinder Chain of Vapor Pongify Master of the Veil Wash Out Zephid’s Embrace Plasma Elemental Reality Strobe Kajin of the Vanishing Touch Remand Delay Thought Eater Primoc Escapee Belltower Sphinx Graxiplon Thieving Magpie Slith Strider Soratami Savant Merfolk Looter Jetting Glasskite Mistform Shrieker
Black Laquatus’s Champion Sutured Ghoul Sorceress Queen Chainer, Dementia Master Mindwarper Vampiric Tutor Dregs of Sorrow Twilight’s Call Animate Dead Phyrexian Arena Phage the Untouchable Death Cloud Woebringer Demon Skeletal Vampire Beacon of Unrest Sengir Vampire Undead Gladiator Filth Wall of Souls Dark Ritual Betrayal of Flesh Nezumi Graverobber Withered Wretch Zombie Infestation Simulacrum Zombify Shrouded Lore Enslave Fallen Ideal Night’s Whisper Devour in Shadow Chainer’s Edict Cabal Therapy Razorjaw Oni Bottomless Pit Nantuko Husk Skull Collector Throat Slitter Hand of Cruelty Plagued Rusalka Infest Ebon Drake Flayed Nim Slith Bloodletter Cabal Executioner Consume Spirit Terror Knight of Stromgald Grotesque Hybrid Crypt Rats Phyrexian Defiler Phyrexian Gargantua
Red Shivan Phoenix Fledgling Dragon Crater Hellion Ashling the Pilgrim Starke of Rath Breaking Point Inferno Bedlam Starstorm Final Fortune Jaya Ballard, Task Mage Hammerfist Giant Skarrgan Firebird Hamletback Goliath Bloodfire Colossus Sulfuric Vortex Decree of Annihilation Sudden Shock Goblin Warchief Flame Javelin Pyrohemia Rough//Tumble Chain of Plasma Oni of Wild Places Genju of the Spires Flame Wave Vulshok Sorcerer Frenetic Raptor Greater Forgeling Gempalm Incinerator Atog Skirk Volcanist Shattering Spree Pain Kami Cleansing Beam Threaten Anarchist Blood Rites Captive Flame Scorched Rusalka Ridgetop Raptor Shaleskin Bruiser Snapping Thragg Mogg Fanatic Frenzied Goblin Carbonize Magma Jet Slith Firewalker Custody Battle Prodigal Pyromancer Slice and Dice Flames of the Blood Hand
Green Kavu Titan Glissa Sunseeker Krosan Cloudscraper Molder Slug Thriss, Nantuko Primus Wild Pair Saproling Burst Natural Affinity Squall Line Nostalgic Dreams Timbermare Plated Slagwurm Rite of Passage Ursapine Gaea’s Anthem Tempting Wurm Ambush Commander Stand Together Deep Reconnaissance Centaur Glade Genju of the Cedars Lure Time of Need Explosive Vegetation Primal Boost Chain of Acid Overrun Might of Old Krosa Krosan Grip Harmonize Creeping Mold Phantom Wurm Sporesower Thallid Deadwood Treefolk Nacatl War-Pride Psychotrope Thallid Nullmage Shepherd Gristleback Indrik Stomphowler Trophy Hunter Scryb Ranger Imperiosaur Brontotherium Rooting Kavu Kavu Chameleon Brawn Venomspout Brackus Slith Predator Hunted Wumpus Elven Riders Karstoderm Krosan Warchief
Artifact Masticore Thran Golem Darksteel Colossus Eater of Days Dupliant Howling Mine Chimeric Staff Oblivion Stone Mesmeric Orb Crumbling Sanctuary Damping Matrix Whirling Catapult Engineered Explosives Culling Scales Liar’s Pendulum Gauntlet of Power Cloud Key Stuffy Doll Grafted Wargear Spawning Pit Darksteel Brute Skullclamp Aether Vial Juggernaut Arcbound Slith Myr Retriever Mourner’s Shield Ornithoper Sun Droplet Mirror Golem Bottle Gnomes Cathodion Mask of Memory Phyrexian War Beast Heartsone Zuran Orb Black Vise Fodder Cannon Guardian Idol Ensouled Scimitar Gemstone Array Vulshok Morningstar Icy Manipulator
Land Kor Haven Academy Ruins Lake of the Dead Kher Keeper Desert Svogthos, the Restless Tomb Blinkmoth Well Skarrg, the Rage Pits Duskmantle, House of Shadow Vitu-Ghazi, the City Tree Archaeological Dig Quicksand Mirrodin’s Core Stalking Stones Terrain Generator Ancient Tomb Nantuko Monastery Barbarian Ring Centaur Garden Temple of the False God
Multicolor Shadowmage Infiltrator Simic Sky Swallower Vhati il-Dal Razia, Boros Archangel Stonebrown, Krosan Hero Autochthon Wurm Anthem of Rakdos Invoke the Firemind Aethermage’s Touch Death Grasp Guided Passage Fervent Charge Mistmeadow Witch Inkfathom Infiltrator Traitor’s Roar Tattermunge Witch Mercy Killing Terminate Steel of the Godhead Helm of the Ghastlord Shield of the Oversoul Psychatog Jagged Poppet Armadillo Cloak Watchwolf Consume Strength Lightning Helix Plaxcaster Frogling Mortify Putrefy Fire//Ice Simoon Charging Troll Samite Archer Backlash Urborg Drake Runes of the Deus
-- posted at: 11:24pm EST