Wed, 14 May 2008
Hey everybody! I just thought I'd let everyone know that there won't be a new episode of The Mana Pool for a week or so. Two of your hosts, including myself who is the one who does all the uploading and whatnot, are going on a week-long vacation to Walt Disney World. We're leaving tomorrow and I'll be back next Wednesday. Brian has a second bit of vacation after that, so he won't be back until the following Sunday.
If you've been enjoying the show, please go check out the forums. I have a small questionnaire posted there that I'd like as many of you as possible to answer. It's a series of questions involving some concerns I've had since I started doing the show several months ago. I'd like you guys to answer honestly and give me some real opinions. Once we get back, we're all going to go over all the answers we got and use those answers to shape the direction future episodes will take. Thanks a lot everyone!
-- posted at: 10:25pm EST