Just in time for Christmas, it's a late episode! Sweet! This episode has a lot of stuff going on, starting with emails covering everything from subliminal messages to holiday habits. Then we have news, which is really not news anymore but it's our take on these news items. We've got the big Commander announcement, some decks from the Star City Invitational, and a quick rant about Tomoharu Saito's non-induction to the Hall of Fame and how little Wizards said about it.
Then there's a brief musical interlude and we go right back into Core Set: Mana Pool Edition. In case you don't remember, Brian came up with this idea a while back. For each color, he came up with six things that each color always does all the time, which I refer to as "staples". Then each of us took this list of staples and found cards to fit them. The catch is that each card we choose must be one that has never been printed in a Core Set. Easy, right? Well this time we're taking on Blue, and we've got lots of interesting choices. Let us know what you think or what you'd throw in a Core Set.
Intro Music - Diamond by Swift - http://www.swift-band.com
Break Music - Zeromus by The Black Mages - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Black_Mages
Forum thread for this episode: http://cardshark.freeforums.org/episode-157-blue-with-a-splash-of-news-t615.html
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