We are joined this episode by none other than the Many-Named One himself, Eric! Yay! Lots of news this episode, from new Commander cards to M12 Planeswalker news to Planeswalker news from the next big set. And we're on a new geeky network, and Swift is on iTunes! Man that was a lot. Of course Eric sidetracks us several times during all that. Otherwise it wouldn't be any fun at all.
Don’t forget to enter the contest before it’s over on March 20!
Follow Eric on Twitter - http://twitter.com/thewachman
M12 news:
A.A.A. Network:
Then Eric hits us with his Searing Meditation deck, which sounds like a lot of fun. He got the set and didn't build a deck for roughly two and a half years, but I think it was worth the wait. Of course, somehow this leads into some random discussions about EDH...somehow. I'm not entirely sure how, really. Better listen to find out.
From there, Brian takes us into the world of Mirrodin Besieged drafting, where he gives us a look at his first experience with it, which he claims was excellent. We shall soon see. From there the conversation turns to all kinds of nonsense, because Eric is here and he's entirely too much fun.
Quick aside: The music for this episode is from The Protomen. It's Hope Rides Again, the first track from Act I, their first album. I've given you 3 bits of it in an attempt to get you hooked. They've taken the mythos of Mega Man and turned it into a badassed rock opera sort of thing, and it's seriously badassed.
Intro Music - Diamond by Swift - http://www.swift-band.com
Break Music - Hope Rides Again by The Protomen - http://www.protomen.com
New website is live! - http://themanapool.com
Forum thread for this episode: http://cardshark.freeforums.org/episode-170-enchanted-evening-with-eric-t654.html
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