Thu, 6 October 2011
We are joined this week by Amanda Stevens, one of the originators of and hosts of Red Cast Wins. You guys remember her, right? She interviewed us a long while back. And it’s a good thing, because Brian was unable to join us this week. Anyway, we’ve got to talk about the Innistrad Prerelease, because we recorded this right after that happened. Mike, Brian, and Chewie (that’s me) all went to the tourney, so find out how we did and what we pulled. Amanda did some spellslinging at her prerelease, so there’s another nifty story. Of course, then we’ve gotta talk about how we like the set as a whole and all that. There was a rules update! Some of the updates are actually pretty cool, so we had to talk about them. If you’d like to follow along at home, just click here. From there, we tackled our mountain of listener emails. There were a lot of rules questions, funny comments, and completely random nonsense that have built up over the last several weeks. So we’ve got to share those with you. Whether you like it or not. But I think you’ll like it. So there.
———— Intro and Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – Be sure to check out all the great stuff on the website! – Forum thread for this episode:
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