Sat, 15 October 2011
This is it! We've hit #200! Because we couldn't do it without all of you out there, we decided to jump through a lot of hoops in an effort to get some listener participation. If you'll recall, several weeks ago we put a bunch of questions on the website. One was a poll about which decks of ours you guys liked, and the rest were asking for suggestions for cards of a particular type. Well we took that information and came up with a bizarre Planechasey kind of thing. We made a stack of all the cards you guys suggested and shuffled it up. After 3 turns of buildup we drew from the listener-supplied stack along with our normal draw. Whatever card we drew we HAD to play by our next turn. No discarding it, no skipping out on it, nothing like that. If you submitted it, we HAD to play it if at all possible. Not only that, but when we played it we read off who submitted it and what their comment was about it. So if you're lucky, you might just hear yourself on the show! ———— Intro and Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – Be sure to check out all the great stuff on the website! – Forum thread for this episode:
Direct download: Episode_200_-_Blame_It_On_the_Listeners.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:30am EST |