We're joined this week by Bill Bloodworth, who is Kurai_Seraphim on our forums. Yes that's his real name. I assure you he's not just an out of control LARPer. He came down to hit a Sealed PTQ with Chewie and Brian, so we brought him on to tell us how it went and to join in the discussion.
Speaking of discussion, we had a lot of that on this episode. Listeners send us emails all the time, and sometimes there's something in those emails that just need more attention than a quick email reading will give, so we file them away to discuss later. Usually we don't actually get around to discussing them later because we're terrible people and miserably forgetful.
Mike made a list of these forgotten discussions and we tackled a few of them this episode. Was putting Sol Ring in the Commander decks a good thing, or just a marketing ploy? Should decks be played a certain way, or is it cool that some people play the same deck in a different way? How might you attempt to control a difference in power levels in a multiplayer play group? And finally, we take a look at Preordain, Ponder, and Brainstorm and the differences between them.
Intro (and new Outro!) Music – Diamond by Swift – http://www.swift-band.com
Break Music – Where Everybody Knows Your Name (Theme from Cheers) by Gary Portnoy - http://garyportnoy.com
Be sure to check out all the great stuff on the website! – http://themanapool.com
Forum thread for this episode: http://cardshark.freeforums.org/episode-203-medium-sized-discussions-t731.html
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