We are joined this episode by none other than Laura Diemer and Bill Boulden, aka Laura by Spruke. You might know them from clips played right here on the show, or perhaps you bought their album, Katana & Tonic, on iTunes or one of the other digital music distribution services. If not, then maybe you should!
Last weekend most of us went to the SCG Open in Charlotte. We played lots of EDH, so of course we're gonna talk about some of the crazy stuff that went on in a few of those games. Bill (Bloodworth, not Spruke) and Brian played in the Standard Open. Bill's going to write up a tourney report that I'll put on the site once it's done. Brian went into detail about his rounds at the beginning of this episode. If you wanna check out his deck, then I have the link for you!
After having a few random musical and Magical discussions with Laura, she tagged out and Bill took over. Bizarre last-minute scheduling issues work out well every once in while, you know? With Bill we did more random discussions and a Story Circle with one of the most...let's say interesting (yeah, that's it) generals ever. If you'd like to follow along at home, you can find that right here:
Bill and Laura were both a lot of fun to have on the show! If you guys enjoyed their presence, let us know and we'll see if we can't get one or both of them on again sometime in the future. In the meantime, why not go buy their album over on iTunes? It's called Katana & Tonic, and it's awesome!
Follow Bill on Twitter: @ThaGatherin
Follow Laura on Twitter: @LauraGDiemer
Intro Music – Diamond by Swift – http://www.swift-band.com
Quick Break Music from Double Dragon by Kazunaka Yamane
Outro Music - Armchair Girlfriend by Laura by Spruke - http://youtube.com/Spruke
Be sure to check out all the great stuff on the website! – http://themanapool.com
Forum thread for this episode: http://cardshark.freeforums.org/episode-218-cmdr-month-leaving-a-crater-w-laura-by-spruke-t767.html
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