Tue, 19 February 2013
Wow, we talked about a LOT of stuff this week. We handled lots of it in quickfire, lightning-round fashion and you can find the links for those down there after these paragraphs. Doing the live episode from the Prerelease and having Prillaman on one week means we missed a fair amount of news. So even though it's not really news anymore, we still decided to weigh in with our opinions. Yay opinions! What does YOUR favorite guild-flavored floss taste like? The main topic, however, is something new. Yes, after more than five years of podcasting about Magic, Brian has managed to come up with something we've never talked about before. We're all very proud of him. I suppose I should tell you what that is. There are a lot of cycles in Gatecrash. Hey, there are a lot of cycles in every Magic set. But outside of those cycles, there are a lot of really cool cards that stand alone. Well this episode, we decided to take a look at those noncycled (uncyclic?) cards and imagine what they would look like as part of a cycle. From Giant Vacuum to...well I'm sure we named some more, we made up some cycles that just seemed to work. Or that sounded like fun. Or that were completely ridiculous. Whatever it was, we were all over it. And it led to some fun and interesting discussions too, so we hope you guys enjoy it! Be sure to check out the Cardshark 12 Year Anniversary Promotion! B&R update: http://www.wizards.com/magic/magazine/article.aspx?x=mtg/daily/feature/232 Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – http://www.myspace.com/swiftband This episode’s post: http://themanapool.com/podcast/episode-267 |