The decklists for Duel Decks: Heroes vs. Monsters have been revealed, and with them two of the mechanics from Theros along with a small handful of cards. The dorks go over all of this new stuff and and decks themselves. Spoiler alert: They look like fun.
After that, we did another Old vs. New, this time focusing on the horrific antics of the Rakdos guild. Two versions of Rakdos himself, a pair of Blood Witches, and of course the guildmages face off to determine whether the old guard or the new hotness are superior. You know, once we remembered what we were doing.
We finished it off by reading a pair of very inspiring and wonderful listener emails. This led to us being exceptionally mushy and giving out some of our patented life-enriching advice. Well, patent-pending. It's good stuff though, so do enjoy.
By the way, here's where you can find the list for the Duel Decks: here's the link to the first reveal of Rakdos Augermage that we discussed:
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift –
Break Music - The Munsters' Theme by Jack Marshall
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