Sun, 16 February 2014
Warning: Chewie is sick. So he sounds a little different than usual, and he's muted a lot. The dorks bring lots of news this week! Since the last episode was a live one, we've got two weeks' worth of stuff to talk about! They revealed an Event Deck, announced a new From the Vault, and teased us with a bizarre coded webpage. Luckily, people much more motivated than us went ahead and decoded it, so we told you all about it. Of course by now the official decoded page is up, but that's to be expected, right? So once we finished up the news, the discussion on Vigenère ciphers, and a new Penny Arcade comic, we actually had stuff to talk about! Mike attended a Sealed tournament last weekend, so he's gotta tell you how he did there. Brian's working on a Standard Jund deck to take to an SCG Invitational Qualifier, so he's gonna tell us all about that. It sounds pretty sweet though, I must say. Links for all that stuff are below!
Born of the Gods Event Deck:
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post:
Direct download: Episode_312_-_Vigenere_Ciphers_and_Standard_Jund.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:23pm EST |