Mon, 16 June 2014
The dorks begin this episode by telling you all about how awesome Conspiracy draft is. And it is. Like a lot. Seriously, go do some Conspiracy drafting, it's SO much fun! But after that, we decided to do something silly. We've done it before with video games and again with television shows, so it's time we do it again. We're taking a look at movies and imagining what kinds of Magic cards we could get out of them. With everything from Wizard of Oz to the Princess Bride to slasher movies to action movies, we're covering a lot of stuff. And we're even staying away from most of the really obvious fantasy franchises like Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter and the like, just to make it more interesting. Let us know what we missed!
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post:
Direct download: Episode_326_-_At_the_Movies_with_The_Mana_Pool.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:31am EST |