Mon, 1 September 2014
Welcome to the series premiere of Exiled! on The Mana Pool. Conceived and hosted by our own Brian Baker, Exiled! may or may not...borrow...some ideas from the Food Network show Chooped! But surely not, because that doesn't happen anywhere ever. The idea is that the Judge gives the competitors three cards that they must use in their decks. The competitors can then choose a card that only they can use in their deck, potentially hamstringing their fellow deckbuilders. After a rushed 10 minute deckbuilding session, the decks are presented to the judge. He then determines which deck is the least impressive, and that deckbuilder leaves the competition and joins the judging team. There may or may not be additional rules in subsequent rounds. Be sure to let us know what you think, because we had a LOT of fun with this and would love to do this again if you are interested! And don't worry, we'll hit all the big news and stuff next week!
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post:
Direct download: Episode_337_-_Exiled_Series_Premiere.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:03pm EST |