Fri, 23 January 2015
This week the dorks are going over the two big things that happened in the last few days. First up is the Banned & Restricted List update. I know, I know, we're a casual podcast and this shouldn't really matter to us, but it does. Chewie doesn't even play tournament Magic and he has very strong opinions on the matter, probably because he holds the DCI to a higher standard than they hold themselves. But there's plenty of good discussion about the big news since Modern, Legacy, and Vintage all had big changes. Then we have to talk about the Fate Reforged Prerelease! Three of us each went to one prerelease apiece. We played Temur, Abzan, and Sultai! Some of us did better than others, of course. But we'll tell you all about it, then we'll go over some cards that were great, or better than we thought, or whatever. Hopefully our technical difficulties this week don't bleed over into the episode too much!
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post: |