Thu, 9 April 2015
On this episode, the dorks are taking a look at Exodus, the last set in the Tempest block! We're putting it through the Mythic Conscription, picking out the rares that would have been mythics if that was a thing back then. After we're done with Exodus, we pull up the rares and mythics from Tempest Remastered to see how we did over our last three Conscriptions. Spoiler alert: not bad, not bad at all. Then it's time for a good old Magic Mad Lib! Brian cooked up a nice long one, and after all the old-school card discussion we were suitably silly. Shenanigans, shenanigans everywhere! And our final thoughts this week were pretty long, with Brian going over three different ones himself and Chewie telling a story about almost dying! We hope you all enjoy!
Support us on Patreon! - Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post: Brought to you by Mana Pool Productions
Direct download: Episode_367_-_Shenanigans_Remastered.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00am EST |