Fri, 24 April 2015
The dorks are joined this week by our third Kickstarter backer, Kim Ho! Kim is really awesome even though he lives in Canada! And that's racist. Prepare yourself, that's one of the running jokes here! You've been warned! After explaining who he is and how he's doing, Kim directs us to a topic we did a while back on Episode 323 - What If It Cost 2 Less? that we didn't actually name. He has a list of old unfair cards for us to analyze and try to re-cost at a fair price by today's standards. There are also a few less-than-impressive cards in the mix too, just so we don't get bored adding mana to a bunch of stuff. We're pretty sure Kim hates us based on some of his choices. It's cool though, we kind of deserve it! We end the episode with a quick game from Kim - Beast or Six Drop? Taken from former LR host Brian Wong, the idea is that he gives us a card name and we decide if it's a beast, a six drop, both, or neither. I think it was pretty funny, with us tripping over our own thoughts and definitely not cheating. I hope not anyway, because if we did we were cheating poorly. Follow Kim on Twitter @RandomKHo, he's pretty awesome! Mike's Game Day deck -
Support us on Patreon! - Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post: Brought to you by Mana Pool Productions
Direct download: Episode_369_-_Kims_Fifteen_Minutes_of_Fame_Thats_Racist.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00am EST |