Sat, 29 August 2015
We begin this episode with a first-impressions review of the Arena of the Planeswalkers miniatures board game! Three of us took the time to figure out how to play (sort of) and successfully completed a game! We're coming at it from the perspective of Magic players trying it out, since most of us have no experience with miniatures games. After that Brian's got another Magic Mad Lib, which is more hilarious than usual when all is said and done! And after that it's time for a long-forgotten segment of the show - Out of the Deck Box! Because Chewie actually built a new Commander deck for the first time in some number of years, he's gonna tell you all about it this episode! Chewie's Marath EDH Deck -
Support us on Patreon! - Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post: Brought to you by Mana Pool Productions
Direct download: Episode_385_-_What_Exactly_Does_Squad_Mean.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:30pm EST |