Mon, 5 October 2015
It's Prerelease time! Mike, Brian, and Chewie rolled out to Kit Kringle in Winston-Salem to play with Battle for Zendikar for the first time. It's a nice little shop, if somewhat unprepared for the massive turnout, and I highly recommend anyone in the area check it out. As for the Prerelease itself, it turned out to be pretty awesome. Mike was playing Grixis Colorless, Brian was in Mardu Allies/Eldrazi, and Chewie played Bant Aggro. One of the dorks finished in the top 8, one of the dorks managed to fire off the Limit Break of a planeswalker, two of the dorks played against each other (of course), and one of the dorks forgot to RTFC - twice! To find out who did all this and more, you'll just have to listen! BFZ Card Image Gallery -
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Direct download: Episode_390_-_BFZ_Prerelease_Field_Recordings.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:00am EST |