Sun, 18 March 2018
As we mentioned briefly at the beginning of 500, the release notes for Dominaria were accidentally released early. Bill (you know, that guy on Monday Night Magic) joins us to talk about it. Don't worry, we're spoiler-free here! The dorks go over the removal of the Planeswalker Redirection Rule, the upcoming templating changes, and the sweet first card reveal, Phyrexian Scriptures. From there, Brian rants about how Wizards of the Coast handled this leak. From there we take a look back at the notable leaks of the past, all the way back to the year 2000, and how WotC handled them. These leaks cover everything from IP theft to packaging errors to ENTIRE SET LEAKS to WotC oopsies. Also, the MTG Arena NDA lifts soon, but Chewie still isn't in the beta. If he gets in there will be content of some sort. Probably. And finally, JungleRatRob has done another audio clip montage for us! Look for it on the website soon! Original Dominaria leak post -
Intro & Outro Music – Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post: Brought to you by Mana Pool Productions
Direct download: Episode_501_-_Dominaria__the_History_of_MTG_Leaks.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |