Sun, 27 January 2019
The dorks are back! We've got an epic-length Mad Lib that Brian wrote! It's seriously long, but the payoff is totally worth it. Just don't deathtouch yourselves, please. After that it's time to return to a segment we started late last year! It's (now) called There's No Plane Like Home! We're looking at how everyday life on the various planes of Magic might be. This episode we're focusing on Theros, the plane based on ancient Hellenic Greece. The gods are real and they are not to be trifled with. And watch out for hydras. And those savage brutes, the minotaurs. But don't worry, it's not all bad! Now offer up a sacrifice to John, God of Toilets and enjoy civilization! Oh yeah, and there are tangents involving Super Smash Bros and Kingdom Hearts. You know, because reasons. Come join us in the future! The show is live on Thursdays around 8pm(ish) Eastern time on Twitch! Become a Lifeguard on Patreon! – Support TMP on Humble Bundle! - Intro & Outro Music: Diamond by Swift – This episode’s post: Brought to you by Mana Pool Productions
Direct download: Episode_540_-_Theres_No_Plane_Like_Home_Theros.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:00am EST |