Thu, 27 August 2009
On this episode, we've got a cameo by my new roomie Scott. He's one of my best and oldest friends, and he was one of the people I played Magic with back in the days of Homelands when I played the first time. But that's just the intro, there's a lot more where that came from. First up, there's Planechase. As of this recording, two of the decks had been shown, so of course we have to go over those. We give you an in-depth into each of the planar cards, and we mention the Magic decks as they relate to the planes. There's lots of discussion and the usual bickering. Dirk came up with a great topic for this episode. We're going to take a look at some of the mechanics of old and tell you about the ones we think are great, and the ones we think are crap. Where do you think Cycling fits in? What about Radiance? Sweep? Ninjutsu? Let's not forget Flashback and Shadow. Hit the forums and let us know what mechanics you really liked or really hated. And this is the LAST CHANCE to enter the Duel Decks Contest! DON'T FORGET!
Download this episode here: right here! Forum thread for this episode:! Duel Decks Contest!: Check out our archive at Email us at Follow us on Twitter at Visit Cardshark! Cardshark Member Promotions: Subscribe to our RSS feed: |
Thu, 20 August 2009
We are joined this episode by none other than the architect of the Cutie-Pie Deck Challenge herself, Claire! Most excellent! Tasteless innuendo and bad jokes abound. Of course, we have to go over what happened during the Challenge. Spoiler: I WON! We discuss the spoils of victory, the lady's prerogative, and creepy people on the internet.
Then we get underway with the news. First off, there's the new full-art Zendikar lands. Then we have the list of cards in From the Vault: Exiled. And we FINALLY know how Planechase works. Next episode we'll have a few more planar cards and decklists for you, this one was recorded before they showed any of that stuff.
Then, since we took so incredibly long on all the news and whatnot, we decided to skip our previously agreed-upon topic for this episode. We just don't have the time to properly devote to it. Check it out next episode. Instead, we take a request from a listener and take Brian's Jund Wickedness Out of the Deck Box. As always, see this episode's forum post for the full decklist. This one is definitely one to check out, as it has a whole lot going on.
For the record, Claire doesn't just sound hot. She totally is. Like damn.
Music for this episode: Beautiful by Ill Mic. Check them out at
Download this episode here: right here! Forum thread for this episode: Duel Decks Contest!: Check out our archive at Email us at Follow us on Twitter at Visit Cardshark! Cardshark Member Promotions: Subscribe to our RSS feed: |
Thu, 13 August 2009
Anyway, we were getting a pretty impressive amount of listener input that essentially boiled down to one core issue: People want more "Out of the Deck Box"! Lucky for all of you, we came prepared. Not only is this episode exclusively devoted to the feature, but they're all comparative, as well. With Chewie, Dirk, and myself in this episode (no Brian, due to various lawyering examinations) we have 3 pairs of decks to compare among the hosts, giving you 6 unique decks to tweak and critique if the Muse so strikes you. Each deck list, of course, will be available in the forum thread for the episode. Forum thread for this episode: Duel Decks Contest!: Check out our archive at Email us at Follow us on Twitter at Send me an article at Cardshark located at Cardshark Member Promotions: Subscribe to our RSS Feed:
Direct download: Episode_93_-_It_Came_Out_of_the_Deck_Box.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:15pm EST |
Thu, 6 August 2009
Let's talk about some stuff, shall we? We FINALLY got to play the first round of post-edit Divine vs. Demonic! Yay! We made a few changes to the decks, trying to bump the Demonic deck into the same league as the Divine one. Listen in to find out if we succeeded or just made it worse.
Wizards announced the Premium Deck Series: Slivers. So we talk about it. At great length. Opinions abound. There's even a little bit of prestidigitation, as we try to figure out what the lone mythic rare might (or even should) be. Wow, I spelled that right on the first try, but screwed up when I wrote “myhtic”.
Then, in an effort to get away from M10 for a little while, we take a step back and look at Alara Reborn. Favorite cards, underrated cards, underused cards, and just cards we think are nifty - we all weigh in on the set as a whole. And you know what? Turns out we liked it.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Time is running out! Enter the contest! The link is right down there!
Forum thread for this episode:
Direct download: Episode_92_-_Use_Silver_for_Werewolf_Infestation.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:37pm EST |